Send Your Interview
Thank you for your interest in interviewing with Rookstool Real Estate Interviews. Below you’ll find instructions to make your interview process a success. Let’s get started!
In a word document, copy and paste the questions found below and take your time to answer each one. Save it as a .txt, .odt, or .docx and send it back to us.
It is required that all content is friendly for all ages, unique and not published anywhere else online.
Write a 300 word opening bio about yourself in THIRD PERSON. For best results, begin with how you started and how you got to your current position in life today.
What do you know about the real estate industry?
Have you ever sold real estate? How did you make it happen?
How much experience do you have in buying or selling real estate?
Have you ever made a sell or a purchase you have regretted?
What advice would you give inexperienced who are wanting to buy or sell?
What have you found out to be the best way to market property?
What tools do you believe are essential for success in the real estate industry?
What has real estate taught you about life?
How can you use what you have learned in real estate to succeed in other areas?
Do you have a mentor who taught you what you know?
Do you have a feedback system? How does it work?