Dr. Thomas Taylor

Dr. Thomas Taylor has a wealth of experience in the field of bariatric weight management. He is skilled in gastric bypass and gastric sleeve procedures. He is on the board of IASIS and the American Diabetic Association. Dr. Thomas Taylor is dedicated to helping his patients overcome physical challenges to live happy, healthy lives.
What do you know about the real estate industry?
I know a good deal about the real estate industry, but I wouldn’t consider myself an expert by any means. I have bought and sold several homes.
It seems to me that the most important thing to understand about the real estate industry is how to make a deal that puts you at an advantage. Too many people are impatient and either buy or sell when they first get an offer. It is better to be strategic.
Have you ever sold real estate? How did you make it happen?
I have sold several family homes. I worked closely with a realtor and a real estate lawyer to make sure my interests were protected. My realtor made sure to market the properties appropriately, using online listings when necessary. She emphasized how important it is to stage your home and to give it the best possible visibility online.
How much experience do you have in buying and selling real estate?
I have bought and sold my family homes. I have also bought a vacation property in another state which has great access to the beaches and theme parks.
When I bought my first home, I was completely green. I didn’t have much of a sense of how to act strategically in real estate. I think I overpaid for that house because I didn’t understand the process of negotiation. When I bought my second home, I was more informed and did a better job protecting my own interests.
Have you ever made a sale or a purchase that you regretted?
Yes, I did buy one home that wasn’t the best option for me. I failed to check into the neighborhood conditions before I bought the home, and it turned out to be so close to a high school football stadium that you could hear the announcer from anywhere in the house.
I work long hours and when I get home I want to relax, I don’t want to listen to a football game unless I attend it myself. I quickly sold that home so it wouldn’t be a problem again during the next season.
What advice would you give to someone inexperienced who is wanting to buy or sell?
I would tell people that they need to become aware of negotiation and sales tactics. Buying a home isn’t like buying a coat from a store. The process of offers and counter-offers can be intimidating, so it is best to work with a good realtor who can walk you through the process.
My other piece of advice for new home buyers and sellers would be to have your house professionally staged. Every time I have sold a home, I have had it staged. A house stager can tell you which items to put away and which to showcase in your home.
What have you found to be the best way to market property?
My realtors have had the best luck marketing my properties online. I enjoy searching for new homes online as well. Some of the aggregator sites like Zillow are easy to use and put you into contact with the realtor in charge of the property.
It is great to have a place to see all of the details about the property, including site photos and walkthroughs.
What tool do you believe are essential for success in the real estate industry?
Honesty is the most important characteristic for success in the real estate industry. When people are not fully honest, they only set themselves up for problems down the road. Glossing over certain conditions of the home you’re selling will only get you into trouble later on. It is better to be upfront about the problems with the home, rather than letting the home inspector be the one to deliver the bad news. That makes you look bad in front of the buyer and makes them less likely to want to buy a home from you.
The other quality that is essential for success in the real estate industry is the ability to negotiate. I’ve said it before, but negotiating the best price is a tricky proposition.
What has real estate taught you about life?
I wouldn’t say that real estate has taught me that much about life. I am a medical doctor and surgeon, and most of my life lessons have come on the job. I have learned to be an informed customer and to take care when negotiating a deal.
When my realtor told me that I had an offer on my current house, I learned not to jump on it right away and to see what they could do for me first.
Do you have a mentor who taught you what you know?
I do have a mentor when it comes to my professional life. An older professor in medical school helped me through several rough spots, including when I was getting burned out and wanted to quit. Having a mentor is an excellent way to navigate some of life’s challenges, especially in a career setting. When you have a mentor, you can bounce ideas off them and see whether their life experience can guide you to a better decision.
Do you have a feedback system? How does it work?
I do have a feedback system at work. When my patients have been to my office, I send them an email survey to ask whether they have any input on how the appointment went. I can also provide them with follow-up information through this system. If a patient is happy and satisfied, I encourage them to post reviews on Google, Facebook, and Yelp.